Author ◆ Comedian ◆ CODA ◆ Consultant ◆
Author ◆ Comedian ◆ CODA ◆ Consultant ◆
Now living in Sacramento, Brian started at open mics in the 1980s and went on to become a professional comedian and actor for three decades, performing in all 50 states in America, appearing on national television, and creating a one-person play Virgo, Hebrew Rising: Anxiety done to perfection.
The next decade was spent on college campuses studying public administration, economics, and history. Brian has more degrees than a thermometer.
Since 2010, he has worked in several state and federal government programs.
In 2014, he wrote and produced another one-person play It’s Not Personal.
In 2017, he got married for the first time, to his beautiful wife Stephanie.
These experiences have led to consulting, training, and writing his new book If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going… You’ve Come to the Right Place! A Comedian’s Roadmap for Resetting and Redirecting Your Life.
“This guy should do a TED Talk.”
–Brian’s friend Ted
If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going… You’ve Come to the Right Place! A Comedian’s Roadmap for Resetting and Redirecting Your Life
“Brian Diamond knows more about being reinvented than me!”
–The Wheel
Did the original plan of your life not turn out the way you pictured it? Did you go into what you thought was going to be an exciting career? Did you meet that special someone you thought was going to make your dreams come true? Are you experiencing “empty nest syndrome?” What if you know what you should do but are afraid to take the leap? What if you haven’t found your exciting career – how do you do that?
Helping you design the life you want, starting from the point you are right now, is the heart of this book. Brian Diamond was a professional stand-up comedian and actor for over 20 years living in Hollywood, then made a dramatic shift into a director position in civil service. Said another way: "He’s from the government and he’s here to help you!”
Brian’s roadmap to contentment is “aligning who you are, and what you have done, with what you should do now” and he shows you how to align those three things to reinvent your life!